Farpaisean Cruinne Fred Astaire (FAWC)

22-26 Iuchar, 2024 (Diluain-Dihaoine)

Ionad-turasachd Bellagio agus Casino
3600 Deas Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV

22-26 Iuchar, 2024 (Diluain-Dihaoine)

Ionad-turasachd Bellagio agus Casino
3600 Deas Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV

FAWC Iuchar 2017


Fiosrachadh Tachartais

We are returning to the  the Bellagio Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV for FAWC 2024 – our most exciting dance event of the summer! There is something for everyone in Las Vegas – world class entertainment, restaurants, shopping, family excursions and the non-stop action of the famous Las Vegas “Strip”.   We’ve got many memorable moments planned for you! Enjoy five days of sizzling dance floor action,  a fun Night Club Division night , and a Friday Professional Grand Championships & BANQUET.  Comharraich do mhìosachan agus bruidhinn ris an oide FADS agad an-diugh! Tha inntrigidhean & pàigheadh ​​ri phàigheadh ​​do Chorporra / Luchd-eagrachaidh ro 5 Ògmhios, 2024.

Bellagio Resort & Casino

Inspired by the villages of Europe, Bellagio Resort & Casino overlooks a Mediterranean-blue lake with fountains performing a magnificent ballet.
You’ll discover that when you slow down, the world will rush past you and leave you with a moment all to yourself.
This is the life.

Venture beyond our hotel doors to discover the famous 4-mile “Strip” with its endless destination hotels & casinos, dining, entertainment and performance options. Further on, there’s Fremont Street, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, the High Roller Observation Wheel, and The Big Apple Coaster & Arcade, to name a few. And just outside the city limits you’ll find helicopter rides over the Grand Canyon, the Red Rock National Conservation Area, The Hoover Dam and more.

Comharraich an duilleag seo agus thoir sùil air ais gu tric airson ùrachaidhean inntinneach a ’toirt a-steach mion-fhiosrachadh Oidhche Club, Heats, bhidio ro-shealladh tachartais, Luchd-reic a tha a’ gabhail pàirt, agus mòran a bharrachd. Agus cuimhnich - tha inntrigidhean ri thighinn gu Corporra / Luchd-eagrachaidh ro 5 Ògmhios, mar sin bruidhinn ris an Neach-teagaisg FADS agad an-diugh mu cheann-latha taobh a-staigh an stiùidio agad. Dealbhaich slighe samhraidh inntinneach, agus thig dannsa còmhla rinn!

Coinnich ris na britheamhan FAWC 2023 againn!

A’ gabhail pàirt bho luchd-reic FAWC 2024

Rè na h-ùine agad aig FAWC 2024, bi cinnteach gun cuir thu ùine gu aon taobh airson sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air an Sgìre Reiceadair againn, a ’nochdadh taghadh iongantach de Ballroom Dance Couture, Brògan, Accessories, Jewelry & mòran a bharrachd!

Check back for updates starting in May 2024

Bookmark this page and check back often for exciting updates. Come sizzle through Summer with us!

Monday Night – TBA!

Friday Night – Competition Awards, USDC Certificate Presentation, Grand Championships-Theme TBA