Fred Astaire

Biography Ntawm Mr. Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire, yug Frederick Austerlitz II xyoo 1899, pib ua lag luam thaum muaj hnub nyoog plaub xyoos, ua yeeb yam ntawm Broadway thiab hauv Vaudeville nrog nws tus niam laus, Adele. Raws li cov tub ntxhais hluas, nws tau mus rau Hollywood qhov chaw uas nws tau pib ua tiav kev koom tes nrog Ginger Rogers rau cuaj zaj yeeb yaj kiab. Nws tau tshwm sim hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab nrog cov hnub qub zoo xws li Joan Crawford, Rita Hayworth, Ann Miller, Debbie Reynolds, Judy Garland, thiab Cyd Charisse. Nws kuj tau koom nrog cov neeg ua yeeb yam loj tshaj ntawm lub sijhawm ntawd, suav nrog Bing Crosby, Red Skelton, George Burns, thiab Gene Kelly. Fred Astaire tsis yog tsuas yog tus ua las voos zoo - hloov lub ntsej muag ntawm Asmeskas cov yeeb yaj kiab suab paj nruag nrog nws cov style thiab kev hlub - tab sis nws kuj yog tus hu nkauj, thiab tus ua yeeb yam nrog ntau qhov sib txawv ua yeeb yaj kiab thiab tso dag, hauv ob qho yeeb yaj kiab thiab TV tshwj xeeb. Fred Astaire kuj tau hloov txoj hauv kev ua las voos ua ntu zus hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab tau hais tawm, hais ntxiv tias yuav tsum ua kom pom tseeb ntawm cov kws ua las voos puv ntoob thiab ua las voos lawv tus kheej, siv lub koob yees duab nyob ruaj ruaj-nrog kev siv sijhawm ntev, txhaj tshuaj dav & txiav ob peb qhov sai li sai tau, tso cai rau cov neeg mloog zoo li lawv tab tom saib tus ua las voos ntawm theem, piv rau cov txheej txheem tom qab-nrov ntawm kev siv lub koob yees duab rov qab tas li nrog kev txiav ntau thiab kaw ib leeg.
Fred Astaire -
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Astaire tau txais kev qhuas Academy Award hauv xyoo 1950 rau nws "kev kos duab tshwj xeeb thiab nws txoj kev koom tes rau cov txheej txheem ntawm cov duab suab paj nruag." Nws tuav cov qhab nia choreography rau kaum ntawm nws cov yeeb yaj kiab tso tawm thaum xyoo 1934-1961, suav nrog "Top Hat", "Funny Face", thiab "Kev Zoo Siab ntawm Nws Lub Tuam Txhab". Nws yeej tsib Emmys rau nws txoj haujlwm hauv TV, suav nrog peb rau nws cov yeeb yam ntau yam, Ib Hmo Hmo Nrog Fred Astaire (1959, uas yeej tsis tau muaj cuaj Emmys hauv txhua qhov!) thiab Lwm Hmo nrog Fred Astaire (1960).

Hauv nws xyoo tom ntej, nws tseem tshwm sim hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab, suav nrog "Finian's Rainbow" (1968), thiab "The Towering Inferno" (1974) uas ua rau nws raug xaiv tsa Oscar. Nws kuj ua yeeb yam hauv TV lub luag haujlwm ntawm cov haujlwm xws li Nws Siv Tus Tub Sab, thiab Battlestar Galactica (uas nws tau hais tias nws tau pom zoo, vim nws tus xeeb ntxwv) Astaire tseem qiv nws lub suab rau ntau qhov ua yeeb yaj kiab menyuam yaus lub TV tshwj xeeb, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, Santa Claus Yog Tuaj Txog Hauv Lub Nroog (1970), thiab Easter Bunny tab tom los rau Hauv Nroog (1977). Astaire tau txais Qhov Ua Tau Zoo Tshaj Plaws Hauv Xyoo 1981 los ntawm American Film Institute, uas nyob rau xyoo 2011, kuj tseem hu nws ua "Fifth Greatest Actor" (ntawm lawv "50 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Screen Legends"Lis).

Fred Astaire tuag nyob rau xyoo 1987 los ntawm mob ntsws, thaum muaj hnub nyoog 88. Nrog nws dhau mus, lub ntiaj teb poob ib zaj dab neeg seev cev tiag. Nws qhov kev siv dag zog thiab kev tshav ntuj yuav tsis pom dua. Raws li Mikhail Baryshnikov pom thaum lub sijhawm Fred Astaire txoj kev tuag, "Tsis muaj tus neeg seev cev tuaj yeem saib Fred Astaire thiab tsis paub tias peb txhua tus yuav tsum tau ua lwm txoj haujlwm."

Fred Astaire's Dance Partners

Txawm hais tias nto moo tshaj plaws rau nws txoj kev koom tes nrog Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire yog tus vaj ntxwv tiag tiag ntawm cov yeeb yaj kiab suab paj nruag, nrog kev ua yeeb yaj kiab ua haujlwm tau 35 xyoo! Astaire ua ke nrog kaum ob tus kws ua yeeb yam nto moo tshaj plaws thiab cov hnub qub ua yeeb yam ntawm nws lub sijhawm, suav nrog:

"Txog kev seev cev hauv chav, nco ntsoov tias koj cov koom tes muaj lawv tus kheej yam tshwj xeeb ib yam. Cog kev hloov pauv. Muaj peev xwm hloov kho koj cov style rau ntawm koj tus khub. Thaum ua li ntawd, koj tsis tso koj tus kheej, tab sis muab nws nrog koj tus khub.

- Fred Astaire, los ntawm Fred Astaire Top Hat Dance Album (1936)

Nkauj Qhia los ntawm Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire tau qhia ntau zaj nkauj los ntawm cov kws sau nkauj Asmeskas nto moo uas dhau los ua cov nkauj qub, suav nrog:

  • Cole Porter's "Hmo Ntuj thiab Nruab Hnub" los ntawm The Gay Divorcee (1932)
  • Jerome Kern's "Ua Haujlwm Zoo Yog Koj Ua Tau Nws" los ntawm Tus Poj Niam Hauv Kev Nyuaj Siab (1937) thiab "Kev Ua Yeeb Yam Zoo," "Txoj Kev Koj Saib Hmo No," thiab "Tsis Txhob Mus Dance" los ntawm Lub Sijhawm Swing (1936)
  • Irving Berlin's "Cheek To Cheek" thiab "Tsis Yog Hnub No Zoo Nkauj" los ntawm Top Hat (1936) thiab "Let's Face The Music And Dance" los ntawm Follow The Fleet (1936)
  • Gershwins "Hnub Foggy" los ntawm A Damsel In Distress (1937) thiab "Cia Peb Hu Txhua Qhov Tawm," "Lawv Txhua Tus Laug," "Lawv Tsis Tuaj Yeem Los Ntawm Kuv," thiab "Peb Puas Yuav Dance" los ntawm Peb Puas Yuav Dance (1937)