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Членката на Одборот за танц FADS Кристин Харви

Кристин Харви

  • Член на Меѓународниот совет за танц
  • Со студио за танц Фред Астеир од 1993 година


Christine began dancing at the age of six in England; she competed all over the world as a Juvenile, Junior, Youth, Amateur and Professional. During her competitive career, she was fortunate to travel and teach all over the world. She eventually settled in the USA in 1992 where she started to work for the Fred Astaire Dance Studio location in Boston, Massachusetts. From 1993 to 2010 Christine owned and operated a very successful Fred Astaire Dance Studio on the south shore of Boston. In 1997, she was appointed to the National Dance Board. She has spent over 27 years with Fred Astaire Dance Studios, serving as Instructor, Dance Director, Studio Owner and Regional Trainer. Christine is an official United States NDCA and World Class Adjudicator, and Trustee of the USISTD. Christine is a highly sought-after coach and adjudicator. She coaches all levels and all styles of pro/am and professionals. She is currently the head coach for Brown University and is also a coach for MIT Boston.


  • Finalist Open British Professional Championships
  • Finalist United Kingdom Professional Championships
  • Finalist International Professional Championships
    Finalist United Kingdom Professional 10 Dance Championships
  • All England Professional Champion
  • Member British Team Match
  • Several Regional Top-Teacher Awards with Fred Astaire Dance Studios
  • Several Top-Studio Awards with Fred Astaire Dance Studios
  • All levels of Certification and Examinations in American, International Styles with Fred Astaire Dance Studios
  • Licentiate of the U.S. Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing in International Ballroom, and International Latin


  • Меѓународна сала за балови
  • Американска мазна
  • Меѓународен латински
  • Американски ритам

Christine Harvey is part of the prestigious Fred Astaire Dance Studios Меѓународен совет за танц, која ја надгледува обуката и сертификацијата на инструктори за танц, судии (професионални, аматери, про/ам) на настани за регионални, национални и меѓународни студии за танц Френд Астеир за танцување, активно ги тренира нашите студенти и инструктори на локации на танцово студио низ нашата мрежа и постојано прегледува нашата комерцијална програма за танц за да обезбедиме само најдобрите, најсовремени програми за нашите студенти. За повеќе информации за Меѓународниот совет за танц Фред Астеир или некој од неговите членови, ве молиме контактирајте не.