Манай мэдээг хуваалцсанд баярлалаа!

Хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслийн мэдээлэл ба татаж авах

Fred Astaire Dance Studios® -ийн бүх хүмүүсээс манай компанийг сонирхож, мэдээ мэдээллээ хуваалцсанд баярлалаа! This page provides resources that may be helpful in creating features that are engaging and relevant to your audiences. We invite you to browse this page, and our entire website, for information about us, our dance legacy, and our network of dance studio locations across the country and around the world!

Contact Corporate Marketing

Our Studio and Corporate marketing teams work with journalists and media professionals around the world to share fun, inspiring and informative news stories. If you’re a member of the media and would like to talk, please reach out to your local Fred Astaire Dance Studios® team, or email our Corporate Marketing Department. Зөвхөн жинхэнэ хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслүүдийн асуултанд хариулт өгөх болно.

B-Roll видео бичлэг

Энд дарна уу өөрийн онцлог шинж чанаруудад ашиглаж болох нэмэлт видео бичлэгийг үзэх. Видео бичлэгийг тодорхой сегментүүдэд хуваасан бөгөөд үүнд:

  • Хөдөлгөөнт лого
  • Студи дахь бичлэг
  • Fred Astaire Dance Studios® бүжгийн тэмцээний бичлэг
  • Тони Доволани бичлэг (Fred Astaire Dance Studios® үндэсний бүжгийн захирал, хуучнаар Одуудтай бүжиглэх)

Өнгө ба дизайны удирдамж

View or download the “Color Guide” PDF outlining the colors Fred Astaire Dance Studios uses in its branding and imagery. This guide may be helpful for stylizing news stories and/or press releases.

Татаж авах боломжтой лого (урлагийн файлууд)

Click the logo to access a page with all logo formats and colors. Logos included are Horizontal, Vertical and “Dancers Only” versions of the Corporate Fred Astaire Dance Studios logo.

Логоны дүрэм

View or download the “Logo Rules” PDF sharing helpful information on the correct use of Fred Astaire Dance Studios’ logo for news stories and/or press releases.

Танилцах бүжгийн хичээлийн санал, үзэгчдэдээ зориулав!

As you’re putting your feature story together, be sure to speak with the local Fred Astaire Dance Studios® contact about including a special Introductory Offer! It’s a great way for us thank our local communities for their support, and to welcome your site visitors, readers and listeners who may be interested in discovering the joy of dance for themselves. Click here to embed the introductory offer link in your features.


Our great dance heritage began in 1947 when Mr. Fred Astaire himself co-founded our company with business partners Charles and Chester Casanave , click here for info.

Бүжгийн бүжгийн олон давуу талууд

For young & old alike… it’s a great workout, has documented physical and mental health benefits, can enhance social life and self-confidence, reduces stress and depression, promotes relaxation, is a wonderful outlet for self-expression and creativity… and it’s FUN!! CLICK HERE to browse some of the many benefits of ballroom dance.

The Fred Astaire Dance Studios® Curriculum

Our proprietary teaching method includes a three-tiered system of private lessons, group classes and practice parties – which help our clients learn more, faster, with better retention & more FUN than other dance instruction methods. Click here for info.

Хурдан баримт

A list of “factoids” and quick info about our company.


Fred Astaire Dance Studios дээр манай ажилтнууд, оюутнууд, сэтгэл хөдөлгөм үйл явдал, байршлыг хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслээр тэмдэглэх нь үргэлж сэтгэл хөдөлгөм байдаг. энд дарж мэдээлэл авна уу.

бидэнтэй хамт холбоно