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Dance For Those With Developmental Disabilities

Dancing is a joyful activity that can be enjoyed by everyone, and a therapeutic one for those with physical or developmental disabilities (DD).

Here at the Phoenix North studio, we’ve been exploring ways to reach an underserved community that may discover new vistas through dance, dance instruction and our supportive family atmosphere.

The American Dance Therapy Association refers to such classes as dance/movement therapy (DMT). These classes can be individual or group and they are sensitive to special needs – physical, mental or emotional – while also empowering the students to participate in selecting music and giving input (verbal or non-verbal) as to how they enjoyed the class.

Here are some of the benefits of dance for those with DD:

  • Boosting self-confidence. Our dance instructors will work carefully with students to see that they are fully engaged in both the physical and social side of dance. Students will be encouraged to help select music and provide their feelings about our varied activities.
  • Improving physical fitness. Dance, as we know, is an excellent way to get in shape and stay in shape and dancers don’t necessarily need a partner. For those who require a calmer, quieter setting, our dance studio can be the perfect fit and the exercise is not only beneficial physically but in de-stressing as well.
  • Expanding the mind. Dance allows us to be whomever we like and whatever we like on the dancefloor. It is freeing and creative. It allows the imagination to take over and the body then follows.
  • Another avenue of expression. Dance permits non-verbal expression of deep feelings and passions through music and movement. Whether the dance is slow or fast, it provides the opportunity for the dancer to tap that inner well of feelings and connect not only with themselves but others.

If you or someone you know would be interested in dance lessons, please fill out the form or call the studio (602-795-2220) today!