Date Night

Going out for a date night? Get off your phones and on the floor!

dance date night

A dance date night could be just what every couple needs. We’ve all read the articles about how our phones are going to take over our bodies, give us cancer and replace our social life. SO we’ve put together a great date night plan for those of you who are in need of some one on one face time. Phones are becoming a problem, partly because we never unplug and also because we are habitually running to things like social media and our email to replace our feelings of discontent and boredom. Any marriage counselor would agree, it’s time to start making new habits and reconnecting and engaging with our loved ones. Cell phones and date night are a big no no. But what do we do to ensure that we don’t reach for the phone and devote that time to our significant other?

Tips for a successful dance date night

  1. Spend some time planning a date. The more thought put into the date the less likely you will be to let your old habits ruin the good time you planned. Try to choose something that you wouldn’t have access to your phones.
  2. Make a reservation or an appointment. An appointment or reservation makes everything seem more important. Especially if there is a professional involved. You’re more likely to be on time and on your best behavior with another person around.
  3. Make a deal before you go out that both parties cell phones stay tucked away at all costs or what are acceptable uses. Give each other your phones or just leave them in the car.

Ballroom dancing fits the bill on all 3 counts and adds a bit of romance just by the nature of the activity. Holding her in your arms and whisking her off her feet. Trust me, all girls want to be whisked! Make an appointment at your local Fred Astaire Dance Studio and let the instructor show you some moves. Sexy dances like the Tango, Rumba and Salsa are perfect for a dance date night lesson. Add in the Waltz and Foxtrot for that touch of class (classic never goes out of style). Some Swing and Cha Cha to get your heart rate up and send you on your way with endorphins soaring. Check out some other blogs on >sexy date night dances, and check out an introductory offer to start out. Dancing could be the couples connection night that your relationship needs. You’ll certainly be having so much fun that you won’t be thinking about Facebook.

Want to receive more information or schedule your first lesson?
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