Spring Gala Spotlight: Pat and Karen Sullivan

Pat and Karen Sullivan started taking lessons at Fred Astaire Westerville almost a year ago. Though they did participate in the studio’s holiday showcase, the Spring Gala today is their first external event. After spectating Freddy Ball in March, they’re now eager to participate themselves.

In fact, both Pat and Karen feel excited and not nervous. They’re happy to be attending the Spring Gala with a group of great friends. As such, it can only be a fun day and a good experience.
Seeing the friends they’ve made in the studio participate in events in the past helped motivate them to attend the Spring Gala. Additionally, their instructors explained how beneficial it is to have a goal in sight while learning how to dance. Over the past weeks and months, Pat and Karen have certainly found that to be true.
In their minds, the Spring Gala will either be great or better than great. The fact that they are even attending a dance event is something they previously never would have imagined. Therefore, neither of them have any big expectations or feel nervous. It can only be a positive experience.
So far, dancing in general has been an incredibly positive experience for the both of them. It’s something they can do together and a very stimulating hobby. Obviously, Pat and Karen have also made some fabulous friends through their dancing.