Uudised ja ajakirjandus

Viimased Fred Astaire'i uudised ja ajakirjandus

Fred Astaire'i tantsustuudios on alati põnev, kui meie andekaid töötajaid ja õpilasi ning põnevaid sündmusi ja asukohti meedias tähistatakse! Alates kohaliku kogukonna lugudest kuni üleriigiliste uudisteni on meie eesmärk aidata jagada inspireerivaid näiteid sellest, kuidas tantsu positiivne ja muutev jõud rikastab elu - füüsiliselt, vaimselt, emotsionaalselt ja sotsiaalselt. Sirvige neid linke ja võib -olla avastate tantsu kohta midagi uut ja kaasahaaravat. Seejärel astuge Fred Astaire'i tantsustuudiosse ja kogege rõõmu ja enesekindlust, mida tantsutunnid teie ellu toovad.

Fred Astaire Upper Montclair Joins NJ LGBT Chamber of Commerce

At Fred Astaire Dance Studio – Upper Montclair We Strongly Believe that Dancing is for Everyone. We Welcome and Encourage Same Sex Couples and Singles Wishing to Dance With a Same Sex Instructor To The Wonderful World of Partnership Dancing. We  therefore were Proud to join the NJLGBT Chamber of Commerce and look forward to hosting an event in conjunction with the Chamber on January 16th 2021.

Tim & Kaitlin Celebrate 1 Year Anniversary As Studio Owners

On January 1st 2021 The Owners of Our Studio Tim & Kaitlin Emmott are celebrating what has been a somewhat tumultuous first year of owning the studio. While 2020 hasn’t been quite the year they expected they have embraced and thrived in this different year, from developing online lessons courses, socially distant dance parties, implementing extensive COVID-19 health and safety precautions, and many other new and exciting things 2020 has brought us. We look forward to many more hopefully more straightforward years together as a studio.

Fred Astaire Upper Montclair Raises Funds for Montclair Human Needs Food Pantry

Fred Astaire Upper Montclair holds its 5th Annual Turkey Trot for The Montclair Human Needs Food Pantry. Our students raise money for this wonderful organization either by sponsoring dances themselves or having friends and family sponsor dances for them and they get out there and dance up a storm raising money along the way that is then donated to The Montclair Human Needs Food Pantry at a time of year when it is needed most. We are so grateful for the amazing generosity of all involved to be able to run this event year on year.