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Eng yaqin raqs studiyasini toping
Yaqin-atrofdagi studiyalarni ko'rish uchun pochta indeksingizni kiriting

To'rtta muhim narsa, bal zalida raqsda ajoyib raqobatchi bo'lish


Ritsar vaqti -
KNIGHTtime FADS vitse-prezidenti va raqs bo'yicha ijrochi direktori Stiven Nayt tomonidan


A few years ago, at Fred Astaire Dance Studios’ 70th Anniversary celebration during National Dance Championships in Orlando FL, it hit me that we have so many new and talented couples on the competitive dance floor! After I returned home from the competition, I thought it would be a good time to familiarize our newer dancers, and remind our seasoned competitive dancers, what it takes to be a great Fred Astaire Dance Studios’ competitor.

  1. “Good Rehearsals”. This means working positively alongside your dance partner as a team, and not spending time dwelling about what either of you might have done wrong. Remember, people make mistakes and that is why we rehearse and practice. Treat your dance partner well, keep a sense of humor, and STAY POSITIVE – and you will reach your goals faster.
  2. A Super Support Team. Your support team may consist of the team at your studio, your dance coaches, your costume designers, a personal trainer, even friends or family members who motivate you in word and deed to keep moving forward, etc. Accept help from those around you who are vested in your success – because “it takes a village”.
  3. Great Grooming. Great grooming is so important because of the impression it makes on judges. Costuming can make or break a couple in the competition. Make sure that you invest some of your time and money into your appearance with top-notch costumes, makeup, hairstyles and manicures. It pays off in a grand way!
  4. Sportsmanship. In my opinion, the final thing that makes a great competitor is good sportsmanship. I have seen cases where couples acted inappropriately following the announcement of a result, and believe me it does not sit well with the judges. Do yourself a favor – act with grace and class on the dance floor, win or lose. If you need time to compose yourself, go up to your room or find a private space. There will always be winners and losers, but remember that the players and the results will change every time, so learn from your mistakes and move on. And always remember, that your goals should be to become good dancer, and a good person. That my friends, will take you a long way in the ballroom industry, and life in general.

Stiven Nayt Fred Astaire Dance Studios kompaniyasining vitse-prezidenti va raqs bo'yicha ijrochi direktori. U, shuningdek, FADS Viskonsin mintaqasi uchun Raqs murabbiyi va mintaqaviy franchayzing direktori sifatida ishlaydi. Raqobat yillarida Milliy chempion bo'lgan Stiven o'zining xoreografiyasi va Fred Astaire Dance Studios Silver Syllabus dasturining katta qismini yaratishi bilan mashhur. Fred Astaire Dance Studios xalqaro raqs kengashi a'zolari haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun biz bilan bog'laning. Raqs sayohatingizni boshlash uchun bugun Fred Astaire Dance Studios bilan bog'laning.