Faallooyinka & Markhaatiyada

Fred Astaire Dance Studios - Reviews macaamiisha

Fred Astaire Dance Studios, waxaan jecelnahay maqalka faallooyinka iyo faallooyinka ardaydayada qoob ka ciyaarka ee dalka iyo adduunka oo dhan! Waanu ku hanweynahay waxa ay noo sheegaan inay ogaadaan, laga bilaabo markii ugu horeysay ee ay soo galaan mid ka mid ah meelahayaga… tamar iyo dareen "FADS Community" oo soo dhawaynaysa, 100% aan la xukumin, oo runtii farxad leh! U dhex rog dib u eegistan si aad u hesho tusaaleyaal dhiirigelin leh oo ku saabsan sida awoodda togan iyo beddelka ee qoob-ka-ciyaarka ay u kobciso nolosha - oo laga yaabo in aad ogaato wax cusub oo ku lug leh qoob ka ciyaarka. Kadib, u gudub Fred Astaire Dance Studios goobta kuugu dhow, oo ay la kulmaan farxadda iyo kalsoonida ay casharrada qoob-ka-ciyaarka keeni karaan aad nolosha!

Shaqaaluhu si aad u madadaalo leh oo dhiirigelin leh! Qoob ka ciyaarka ayaa noloshayda bedelay!!!
We were introduced to Fred Astaire in Fayetteville thru a Groupon deal, and we were hooked. Valeria was our dance instructor and she was so much fun and has great experience and national dance competitions status. She also has the patience of a saint! If you’re ever thinking of dance classes, I highly recommend Fred Astaire Dance Studio to try it. EVERYONE is so fun and friendly there!!
This is the most amazing dance studio with phenomenal instructors ! Jewel and Pierre are fantastic and had great lesson with Jewel tonight ❤️✨ Fun date night too ! Highly recommend !
Wonderful people!
Great instruction!
Superb teachers !
Tremendous organization!
Inspiring competitions!
Oh yes, dancing Is marvelous in every way, physically and mentally.
The entire experience of the music, the exercise, the good feelings of learning something new, and most of all the emotional warmth of Instructors like Yuliya Sinevych (Bloomfield Hills) and so many others at Fred Astaire Studios
Fantastic teaching and training on how to become better on the floor!!
Jocelyn is our instructor, and she is excellent at what she does. Very patient, encouraging, and knowledgeable.
Aad baan u talinaynaa!
The quality of instruction is simply outstanding. The teachers and coaches never give up. The competitions are also challenging and fun.
Love our Princeton NJ Fred Astaire with all our wonderful teachers
Bravo! Organizare excelenta!!! Participantii se simt f.bine!