Argentine Tango Dance Lessons in Our Warren Studio

The History of the Argentine Tango Dance

There are many legends and stories about the origins and development of tango. Tango is a dance and music that originated in Buenos Aires at the turn of the century, and developed in the melting pot of cultures that was Buenos Aires. The word Tango was used at the time to describe various music and dance.

探戈的确切起源——包括舞蹈和词本身——都在神话和未记录的历史中迷失了。 普遍接受的理论是,在 1800 年代中期,非洲奴隶被带到阿根廷并开始影响当地文化。 “探戈”这个词可能直接来自非洲,意思是“封闭的地方”或“保留地”。 或者它可能源自葡萄牙语(以及源自拉丁语动词 tanguere,触摸)并被非洲人在奴隶船上捡到。 无论其起源如何,“探戈”一词获得了非洲奴隶和其他人聚集跳舞的地方的标准含义。

A Blend of African and Argentine Roots

最有可能的 Tango was born in African-Argentine dance venues attended by compadritos, young men, mostly native born and poor, who liked to dress in slouch hats, loosely tied neckerchiefs and high-heeled boots with knives tucked casually into their belts. The compadritos took the Tango back to the Corrales Viejos—the slaughterhouse district of Buenos Aires—and introduced it in various low-life establishments where dancing took place: bars, dance halls, and brothels. It was here that the African rhythms met the Argentine milonga music (a fast-paced polka) and soon new steps were invented and took hold.

Eventually, everyone found out about the Tango, and, by the beginning of the twentieth century, the Tango as both a dance and as an embryonic form of popular music had established a firm foothold in the fast-expanding city of its birth. It soon spread to provincial towns of Argentina and across the River Plate to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, where it became as much a part of the urban culture as in Buenos Aires.

Argentine Tango – A Worldwide Phenomenon

The worldwide spread of the Tango came in the early 1900s when wealthy sons of Argentine society families made their way to Paris and introduced the Tango into a society eager for innovation and not entirely averse to the risqué nature of the dance or dancing with young, wealthy Latin men. By 1913, the Tango had become an international phenomenon in Paris, London, and New York. The Argentine elite who had shunned the Tango were now forced into accepting it with national pride. The Tango spread worldwide throughout the 1920s and 1930s and came to be a fundamental expression of Argentine culture, and the Golden Age lasted through the 1940s and 1950s. The current revival dates from the early 1980s, when a stage show 阿根廷探戈 toured the world creating a dazzling version of the Tango that is said to have stimulated the revival in the US, Europe and Japan. 2008 is again a period of renewal, of tension between the international and the Argentine, between a desire to recreate the Golden Age, and another to evolve it in the light of modern culture and values. There is an explosion of interest around the world with places to dance in many cities and towns, and a growing circuit of international festivals.



What is Argentine Tango Dancing like?

The focus of the Argentine Tango is to match the speed and emotion of the music while improvising the steps. The Argentine Tango is danced by two people in an embrace that can vary from being open (the leader and follower dance at arm’s length) or closed (the dancers touch chest-to-chest). The follower alternates their weight from foot to foot, never resting weight on both at the same time. The follower is led to alternate feet by the leader, who steps outside the follower’s legs.


Whether it’s your first time trying Argentine Tango or you’re a professional dancer learning the most advanced movements, we welcome you to 上课 with us. Our students fill the dance floor with energy, excitement, and positivity as we explore the Argentine Tango together.

婚礼舞蹈指导 如果你想培养一种新的爱好,或者一种与你的伴侣联系的方式,你会学到更多、更快、更有趣, 弗雷德·阿斯特(Fred Astaire)舞蹈工作室!给我们打电话并询问我们的情况 优惠介绍 对于新学生。我们的才华横溢和 友好的舞蹈教练 沃伦就在这里为您服务。

Argentine Tango dance lessons are available now. You’ll be on your way to confident dancing by the end of your very first dance!


舞蹈是表达情感的好方法。跳上舞池,和我们一起尝试交谊舞或拉丁舞课程。发挥创意并享受乐趣!要了解有关每种舞蹈类型的更多信息并观看演示视频,只需单击舞蹈风格即可了解更多信息。然后 给我们一个电话 在弗雷德·阿斯泰尔舞蹈工作室 (Fred Astaire Dance Studios),请务必询问我们的省钱事宜 介绍性报价 对于新学生。我们将一起带您开始您的个人舞蹈之旅!


我们的 优秀的员工 已准备好将您的舞蹈之旅提升到一个新的水平。注册一个 入门课!