Quickstep Dance Lessons in Our Warren Studio

A Lively and Energetic Ballroom Dance

The Quickstep, with its roots in Ragtime and first danced by Caribbean and African dancers, was developed in the 1920s in suburban New York from a combination of 狐步舞, 查尔斯顿, 皮博迪,并 一步. Originally it was danced solo – away from the partner, but later became a partner dance. It was originally given the name “Quick Time Fox Trot” but was eventually changed to Quickstep. Although the quickstep was heavily influenced by the jazz culture of the period, it owes some of its movements to the equally popular Afro-Cuban and Latino dance crazes of the 1920s and 1930s. The dance traveled to England and was developed into the dance that we know today, and was standardized in 1927.



Skip A Step on the Dance Floor with Quickstep

Quickstep is a combination of walks and chasses in a basic form, but in an advanced stage, hops jumps & many syncopations are utilized. It is an elegant and glamorous dance and body contact is maintained throughout the dance. The Quickstep music is written in 4/4 time and should be played at a tempo of about 48 -‐ 52 measures per minute for examinations and competitions.

The Quickstep is a progressive and turning dance moving along the Line of Dance, utilizing Walks and Chasse movements. Rise and Fall, Sway, and Bounce action are the basic characteristics of the International Style Quickstep.


Whether it’s your first time trying Quickstep or you’re a professional dancer learning the most advanced movements, we welcome you to 上课 和我们。当我们探索舞池时,我们的学生充满了活力、兴奋和积极性。 交谊舞 在一起。

婚礼舞蹈指导 如果你想培养一种新的爱好,或者一种与你的伴侣联系的方式,你会学到更多、更快、更有趣, 弗雷德·阿斯特(Fred Astaire)舞蹈工作室!给我们打电话并询问我们的情况 优惠介绍 对于新学生。我们的才华横溢和 友好的舞蹈教练 沃伦就在这里为您服务。

Quickstep dance lessons are available now. You’ll be on your way to confident dancing by the end of your very first dance!


舞蹈是表达情感的好方法。跳上舞池,和我们一起尝试交谊舞或拉丁舞课程。发挥创意并享受乐趣!要了解有关每种舞蹈类型的更多信息并观看演示视频,只需单击舞蹈风格即可了解更多信息。然后 给我们一个电话 在弗雷德·阿斯泰尔舞蹈工作室 (Fred Astaire Dance Studios),请务必询问我们的省钱事宜 介绍性报价 对于新学生。我们将一起带您开始您的个人舞蹈之旅!


我们的全球洞察力 优秀的员工 已准备好将您的舞蹈之旅提升到一个新的水平。注册一个 入门课!