Looking Back on 2017 at FADS of Bardonia

Interesting time of year.

We look back, a bit wistfully, and think about what we’ve done and what we have not.

Then we look forward, and make plans for the coming year that are ambitious and exciting. A fresh slate offers a fresh perspective.

We at Fred Astaire Dance Studio of Bardonia like to think that everyone who dances had a successful year. We know you had some fun. And worked hard. You put in the time. You came to practice parties. You took part in private ballroom dance lessons or group ballroom dance classes. You might have signed up for sessions with such outstanding guest instructors as Bruno Collins to further hone your skills or get ready for a FADS competition.

We respect our students and the way they pursue dance as an outlet, a passion, a source of enjoyment. And we love how we’ve all built a sense of family. We in the studio care about each other and in turn also love our community. Think back on all of the events of 2017, your outreach to the surrounding neighborhoods. We did that with you.

The holidays are a time of giving, and of giving back. Often, through those acts, we also get. We take dance to community centers and civic functions and we spread the joy. That only deepens our love of what we do and the people with whom we are united. We are fulfilled.

So cheers – cheers to you, our valued students. Cheers to us, your local Fred Astaire Franchised Dance Studio, where we build friendships, relationships and encourage a love and enjoyment of dance in its many forms.

We’re in this together, all of you and all of us. We’re a great team. We wish you the happiest of holiday seasons and can’t wait to kick off another great year … with you!!!