Valentine’s Day – Put Some Rhythm In Your Love

fads-blog-post-two-to-tangoValentine’s Day and the weeks preceding it certainly lead to thoughts of love, romance and togetherness. The dance most frequently associated with passion and flair is the tango and it is a wonderful dance to learn with your favorite partner because of the closeness it engenders.

The music and the closeness create a partnership on the dance floor that becomes obvious for all to see. The tango isn’t easy to master, but watching couples who have practiced and gained proficiency can really put on a show!

National Public Radio’s WRLN in Miami recently put together this report on the beauty and sensuality of the tango, which we love to teach at Fred Astaire Dance Studios. Take a look and listen to this:

Your Fred Astaire Dance Studio offers introductory lesson packages and gift certificates that make great gifts for that special someone for Valentine’s Day. If it takes two to tango, you know who ought to be receiving a wonderful gift.

See you on the dance floor.