Get Ready For A Fun-Filled Month!

October is such a festive month. It makes us feel like throwing a party or two … or three.

So that’s what we’re doing. Please join us as we roll out a number of seasonally-themed events that we know you are going to enjoy.

We’re kicking it all off on Friday, Oct. 5, with an Oktoberfest Party at the Stone Oak studio beginning at 8:15 p.m. If you’ve got lederhosen, feel free to wear them. Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany is one of the world’s great gatherings, lasting 16-18 days with more than six million people attending. Our party will be just a little bit smaller than that, but all your FADS friends will be there.

We’re taking it on the road Friday, Oct. 19, for Haunted Starlight, at which we will be joining by our dear friends from the Stone Oak and Austin studios at the Stone Oak studio. The spectator fee is $40 at the door.

One week later we have our Costume Potluck Party on Friday, Oct. 26 8:15 p.m. at our studio. It’s almost Halloween, so dress up and show off your creative flair. And while you’re being creative, step into the kitchen and whip up your favorite dish to share. Whether it’s Swedish meatballs or deviled eggs, we will be happy to see both the dish and you at this fun party.

We welcome you to all of these great events. You can mix and mingle with friends from Stone Oak and Austin and have a great time dancing at our parties and working to perfect your dance technique.

Join us. We’re looking forward to seeing you.