Dancing Through The Stress of Uncertainty

Staying safe in these scary times is the most important thing.

Staying sane is right up there on the list as well.

Dancing can help.

While you may not be able to go to the studio to enjoy the usual camaraderie with our team, professionals and other dance friends and partners, you can, keep dancing … at home or wherever you may be sheltering as we work to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Dancing is a great stress buster and mood lifter, as we all know. It doesn’t take much to do some fun and energetic dancing at home. Put on your favorite dance music and you can salsa your way through a vigorous 30-minute workout. Exercise will keep you fit physically and mentally as we hunker down and maintain physical distance with others.

At home with the kids? Introduce them to dance. You can find videos from the great line dances we’ve all enjoyed over the years – The Alley Cat and The Electric Slide come to mind immediately – and teach the children. It will feel like a game to them and they will burn up some energy while spending quality time with you. Here’s a great one to get started with the little ones (the directions in the video for right and left are reversed, but it works): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBLL_wQlpdw

Don’t forget that lessons from Fred Astaire Dance Studios are now online! Be sure to visit www.fredastaireonlinelessons.com to stay active and healthy in the comfort of your own home!

Keep your spirits up and your feet moving! Tough times don’t last, but tough people do! And dance will help see you through.