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3 Ways Dad Will Benefit From Dance Lessons

3 Ways Dad Will Benefit From Dance Lessons -What do we get dear old Dad on Father’s Day? This is a dilemma for many. A tie? Been there. A polo shirt? Done that. Baseball cap? Yes, about three years ago.

Let’s think about giving Pop something he can not only use and enjoy now, but also well into the future (no, we are not talking about a fishing rod).

Dance lessons. To borrow an old phrase, ballroom dance instruction is the gift that keeps on giving and that others can enjoy as well.

Is your dad a little reluctant to get out on the dance floor? Maybe he never really had the chance to learn. Or the time.

No matter. Sometimes a person only needs a little push in the right direction. And that is why we are suggesting your gift to Dad be dance lessons at Fred Astaire Dance Studios.

Some men say they don’t like to dance because they aren’t good at it. Well, that’s an excuse and not a reason. There’s a very simple remedy – learn how to dance and practice and you will soon be competent. The gift certificate for dance lessons for Dad will certainly put him on the right path.

1. If there is a lady in his life, she will appreciate what this gift means. No more sitting quietly at receptions while others dance – she’ll be out on the dance floor with her man. There’s no better way to create romance than through the closeness of dance. Partner dances are cooperative and involve touching and other non-verbal forms of communication that strengthen relationships.

2. Does your Dad get out enough? Have friends and activities? Fred Astaire Dance Studios hold regular practice parties and themed parties that open new social doors and allow people to meet, mix and mingle in a low-pressure atmosphere built around dance. Between lessons and parties, Dad can find some ventures that will keep him young and fit.

3. Speaking of fit … Dance is a great form of exercise that burns calories and builds cardio endurance. For folks who don’t care for the gym or take part in sports, dance can fill that void and help their heart health (and waist size).

This year, do a little something different and special for Dad. No books, no barbecue tools, no “No. 1 Dad” t-shirts. Dance lessons.

Contact us at Fred Astaire Dance Studios, to purchase a special dance lessons gift package for Dad. Tell him Happy Father’s Day from us!