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Jump-start a Fitness Routine Through Dance School

Jump Start Your Summer Fads -Physical fitness encompasses much more than the body. Its impact on the mind, on emotion health and wellness, should never be underestimated.

Are you looking to jump-start your fitness routine to keep fit and feel healthy all summer? We can help! At Fred Astaire Dance Studio, we help our current students look and feel great all year long with ballroom & Latin dance lessons.

When your body is well-maintained – strong endurance, flexibility, muscular tone – the mind gets a workout as well. As you look and feel better, your mental picture of yourself strengthens, your confidence grows and you acquire a bit of an aura, a glow, of good health.

Why enhance your health through  dance lessons, rather than at a gym or with a personal trainer?

  • Dance lessons and workout routines put less stress on your body – ankles, knees – as a low-impact series of exercises. People with bone-related issues or ailments who might not attempt resistance work can build muscle tone, strength, coordination and improve their balance.
  • Cardio training becomes fun. Ever ride the bike at the gym or climb on the stepper for 20 minutes or so? It may be effective but it works the same muscles in the same way over and over and … it’s boring. Dance is never boring! Moves are varied, never repetitive. If you’ve taken part in up-tempo activities like Fred Astaire Dance Dance Studios salsa classes, you know the drill. It’s fast, furious, fun and never the “same old, same old”.
  • Social interaction becomes an added benefit. You’re not working out on your own to the blaring music in the gym – you are dancing with an instructor or partner so that your dance routine will vary, speed up or slow down, and become a cooperative exercise. This teamwork is very healthy mentally and emotionally. The interaction and flow of steps and movement will keep you engaged, stave off fatigue and allow you to build your conditioning, agility and flexibility while toning those muscles.

You find some more fitness tips online, but we recommend that you call us at Fred Astaire Dance Studios or drop by and see which classes will best help you jump-start your fitness routine! You may prefer group ballroom dance instruction or private ballroom dance classes with our outstanding teaching professionals, and we can help you make the right decision.

At Fred Astaire Dance Studios, you can dance as if no one’s watching (because they really aren’t), and find the “you” that enjoys moving and working and growing more fit physically – and in every way.